Mobile Systems International


Spectrum & Interference Management: Precision Meets Performance

Seamlessly manage and optimize your spectrum resources, navigating interference challenges with MSI’s advanced solutions. From navigating the intricacies of internal or external PIM (Passive Intermodulation) to tackling cross-border interference due to ducting effects, our expertise runs deep. MSI’s comprehensive interference management model is anchored on four foundational pillars, each tailored to enhance network reliability and performance.

Four Pillars of Excellence:

  • OSS RAN Data Analysis.
  • All vendors supported.
  • AI-based solution.
  • Remote Monitoring Stations
  • Frame/Timing  Level Analysis
  • Mobile Teams with the Spectrum Analyzers & Scanners
  • Resolution suggestions
  • SW Para, Hardware Faults, Antenna Tilts,etc.

Snapshot of our Expertise:

Seamlessly manage and optimize your spectrum resources, navigating interference challenges with MSI’s advanced solutions. From navigating the intricacies of internal or external PIM (Passive Intermodulation) to tackling cross-border interference due to ducting effects, our expertise runs deep. MSI’s comprehensive interference management model is anchored on four foundational pillars, each tailored to enhance network reliability and performance.

RAN Data Analysis:

Multi-vendor OSS RAN insights, powered by AI.

Remote Monitoring:

Deep-dive with Frame/Timing Level Assessments.

Interference Hunting:

On-field teams equipped with Spectrum Analyzers and scanners.

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